Every effort will be made to plan your surgery around your schedule. Dr. Ortega operates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Facilities will be chosen according to insurance requirements, Dr. Ortega’s schedule and the procedure to be performed. If you have a certain date in mind, please let our office know as soon as possible. Surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia will require an additional appointment at the hospital. Consent forms will be signed, blood work will be drawn and according to anesthesia requirements a chest x-ray and EKG may be performed at this visit. Surgery follow-up visits are usually 10-14 days after your procedure or sooner if needed.
We now offer forms online, that you can fill out in advance of your visit. Please download the necessary forms, print them and bring the completed forms to your appointment. This will help us complete your chart, and expedite the check-in process.